Purpose | Kaupapa
Our Project
KEEP was initially established to address the nearing capacity of kōkako in the Kaharoa Conservation Area, as well as the need for additional habitat and genetic diversity to ensure their long-term survival. To achieve this, the vision of developing green corridors and linking populations in the Bay of Plenty was born.
Help us establish healthy habitats for the kōkako population
Our Mission
Kōkako are a unique and endangered species that play a vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. By protecting the kōkako population, we are also protecting the native forest and other species that depend on it. Our mission is to inspire and empower communities to undertake ecosystem restoration and establish native forest links across private and public land.

"Ahakoa teitei te Maunga, ka taea te piki Ahakoa nunui o nga ngaru o te Moana Ka pakaru ki te ihu iti o te waka."
"However tall the mountain we can climb it,
However large the waves of the ocean
they will break on the prow of the canoe."
Values and Guiding Principles
Kaitiakitanga (guardianship and protection)
We recognise our role as guardians for a short period of time. We value being able to pass on a healthy forest that will flourish for future generations and we owe it to the land and to the people of the land, past and present, for everyone to experience kōkako and other taonga species.
Manaakitanga (the concept of caring)
We value hospitality, mutual respect, and generosity of spirit to ensure we care for our volunteers, community and stakeholders. We value all contributions equally. A foundation principle is that ecological and commercial priorities must go hand in hand with the wellbeing and mana of the people. We are committed to ethics and practices that ensure a safe and effective environment for people to work in.
Mahi Tahi (collaboration, collectivism and working together)
We acknowledge that we each have our own motivation, knowledge, skills, capacities, and preferred way of communicating and working. We value diversity and believe it strengthens teamwork as we collaborate on this project. This project will not succeed without collaboration.
Kounatanga (excellence)
We strive to make effective decisions based on sound information. We encourage everyone involved in the project to continuously improve their knowledge and skills. We value innovation and accept its inherent risks. We hold the view that making good use of advances in technology, methods and techniques is fundamental to achieving our vision.
Tika (accountability)
We hold ourselves accountable in all we do. All business, management, and actions we take are conducted to the highest standard and in accordance with KEEP’s governance.
Whakautetanga (respect)
We endeavour to show due regard to all flora, fauna, whenua, awa, moana, people and organisations we work with. Respect for all.